Hazop, Qra, Sil, Bra

Hazop, Qra, Sil, Bra

Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP Study)

In the chemical, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, and nuclear industries, hazard and operability (HAZOP STUDY) is a methodical technique to identifying potential issues that may be revealed by examining the safety of designs and revisiting current processes and operations. It is a is a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) method recognized in OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) standard. It is a form of risk management to identify, evaluate, and control hazards and risks in complex processes.
The study includes evaluating extremely dangerous chemicals that, if not processed and handled appropriately, can result in serious worker injuries, considerable property damage, and harm to the reputation of the organization.
It aids the organization in dealing with:
  • Potential risks to corporate operations,
  • historical episodes with the potential for catastrophic effects,
  • human-controlled variables, and
  • the results of applied control measure failure, comprising the full spectrum of potential health and safety concerns.

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)

A Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is a formal and systematic risk analysis approach to quantifying the risks associated with the operation of an engineering process. A QRA is an essential tool to support the understanding of exposure of risk to employees, the environment, company assets and its reputation. It also helps to make cost effective decisions and manages the risks for the entire asset lifecycle.

Safety integrity level Study (SIL Study)

Safety integrity level (SIL) studies are a formal method of assessing the probability that a functional safety system will fail when it is needed. The assessed probability of a safety system failing acts as a measurement of the level of risk reduction that the system provides.

Building Risk Assessment (BRA)

Building Risk Assessment (BRA) is a tool used to evaluate the risks to people in occupied buildings in the facility. It accurately measures the risk and identifies any improvements that are required to ensure that they are adequately safeguarded for any major accidental events.

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