Colossal Consultants LLC - Latest update - HIC, SSCC and SOHIC

HIC, SSCC, and SOHIC are different types of hydrogen-induced damage that can occur in metals, particularly in steel. Here is a table comparing their characteristics:

Feature Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) Stress-Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking (SOHIC)
Causes Hydrogen absorbed during production, operations, or exposure to corrosive environments containing H2S Exposure to sour environments containing H2S; the presence of sulfides in the steel microstructure A combination of hydrogen absorption and stress, often in H2S-containing environments
Mechanism Hydrogen atoms migrate to regions of high stress, combine to form molecular hydrogen, and create pressure, leading to cracks Corrosive hydrogen atoms react with metal sulfides, leading to the formation of cracks under the influence of applied or residual stress Hydrogen atoms collect along the planes of residual or applied stress, resulting in the development of cracks oriented parallel to the stress direction
Crack Orientation Random, stepwise pattern, typically in the direction of the metal's rolling plane Can be intergranular or transgranular, but often propagate in the direction of applied or residual stress Cracks are oriented parallel to the direction of applied or residual stress, often forming multiple crack layers
Microstructure Affected Typically affects the metal at or near the mid-thickness, following the rolling plane Can affect any part of the metal's microstructure Primarily affects the mid-thickness of the metal, similar to HIC, but can propagate deeper through the material
Prevention Proper material selection, controlling H2S levels, using low hydrogen welding techniques, and applying coatings or inhibitors Material selection, controlling H2S levels, using low hydrogen welding techniques, stress relief heat treatment, and applying coatings or inhibitors Material selection, controlling H2S levels, using low hydrogen welding techniques, stress relief heat treatment, and applying coatings or inhibitors

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